Jeff the Killer Wiki

Chase P.O.V

I don't know if anybody is reading this right now, but I hope this gets to someone. And quick. My name is Chase Williams. I'm in bed right now typing this. Actually I'm under my bed. Right now, I'm hearing some noises in my bedroom. I see a shadow. Hmm... I wonder what it is... Anyways, I'm scared to death right now. Weird things have happened, you know. My friends were in here a few minutes ago so I went to the fridge to get some orange juice. Suddenly I heard some sounds and ran back up. I was shocked. My friends were dead on the floor with smiles carved into their faces. I stared at the bathroom window that had some writing on it. In bloody red it said "GO TO SLEEP". Damn, was I freaked out. So, that's how I'm in this problem. Oh God help m~

Jeff P.O.V

Hello. It's me Jeff. I kidnapped your friend here. Oh... did I... interrupt? HAHAHAHAHA! Let me tell you something.... The first way to take good care of someone is to put them in bed...

Chase P.O.V

He just threw me on the bed...

Jeff P.O.V

Tuck them in...

Chase P.O.V

Oww Jeff... why did you stab me in my cheeks? They are beautiful already... (LOL)

Jeff P.O.V

But do you know what the best part of taking care of someone is?

Chase P.O.V


Jeff P.O.V

Wish them a good night...

Chase P.O.V

Bye world...................................................
